Roses are red, life goes on
Being in 20s, feelzzzz like "life is passing by too quickly"
An moment hits me like "watching everybody else succeed and working hard yet, while i'm still letting life go by"
Lucky me to quickly fuckin' realized that Life feels like a race to us, and the finish line is death. Stop expecting to have it all figured out right now! Don't rush to the finish line! Everyone is a work in progress til the day they die.
Be kind to yourself, you're gonna be alright. Stop running. Slow down to a walk. Look around - do you even know where you're going, or are you just trying to catch up to everybody else? Maybe you don't even wanna end up where they are, who cares where they're going. Care about where you wanna go. Don't run. Just walk.
Look up, look at the sky. Take a breath. There's no race to win. Only a stroll.
Do what fulfills you now in the present, learn and discover!
20s is a roller coaster that you have no control over, also character building years. Being fucked up all the time. Wrong choice ever. Try everything in your 20s and figure out which ones you are good at.
Realized life is not linear in any aspect.
Getting out of you comfort zone, doing new things is what will help stop the feeling of days passing by you with a frightening speed.
Enjoy every single second of the day as much as you can from sunrise to sunset. Time does pass, yes.
The more you enjoy your life, the greater satisfaction you'll find with the past and look forward to the future.
(PS: while I might "know" this, myself still struggling with it too)